Theodor Bilharz Research Institute to Host Webinar on Advances in Uro-Surgery

The Theodor Bilharz Research Institute (TBRI) will present the second webinar of the TBRI 2020 Virtual Annual Conference, focusing on "Advances in Uro-Surgery." The event will take place on Thursday, 10th December 2020, from 07:10 to 08:10 PM (GMT +2).


  • Samir El-Ghobashy, Professor of Urology at TBRI, Egypt

Webinar Schedule:

  • 07:10 – 07:30 PM
    Update on Surgical Management of BPH
    Presented by Hazem Elmansy, MD, MCh (Urol), FRCSC, Assistant Professor of Urology at Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Thunderbay, ON.

  • 07:30 – 07:50 PM
    Recent Advances in Laparoscopic Urology
    Presented by Aly Abdel Karim, Professor of Urology at the Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, and Founder & General Secretary of the Mediterranean Minimally Invasive Urologic Surgery Association.

  • 07:50 – 08:10 PM
    Organ-Confined Prostate Cancer: What is the Best Choice of Treatment?
    Presented by Thomas Otto, Professor of Urology and Director of the Clinic of Urology at Rheinland Klinikum, Neuss, Germany.

Each lecture will include a 5-minute discussion period. The webinar aims to explore the latest advancements in uro-surgery and provide insights into current practices and innovations in the field.

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