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Theodor Bilharz Research Institute designated as WHO Collaborating Centre for Schistosomiasis Contro

TBRI is proud to announce the designation of the Immunology and Therapeutic Evaluation Division at Theodor Bilharz Research Institute as a new WHO Collaborating Centre for the Schistosomiasis Control until 2024.

As a WHO Collaborating Centre, the Immunology and Therapeutic Evaluation Division at Theodor Bilharz Research Institute (TBRI) shall support WHO in schistosomiasis control activities by:

1- developing cost-effective immuno-diagnostic tools for early detection and management, especially in low endemic areas.

2- conducting capacity building activities in schistosomiasis diagnosis and management

3- facilitating experience exchange, towards schistosomiasis region and global elimination, through collaboration with the WHO CC network on schistosomiasis control

These activities will be carried out under the coordination and leadership of the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office.

Contact details are as follows​​​:

1 Nile Corniche, Warrak Al Haddar, Embaba
12411 Giza, Egypt

Phone: +202-35407714/276/

Fax: +202-35408125


Prof. Hanan El Baz

[email protected]

Dr. Sara Maher

[email protected]


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