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TBRI 2020 Virtual Annual Conference: Webinar 8 on Advanced Kidney Care


The TBRI 2020 Virtual Annual Conference will feature its eighth webinar titled “Advanced Kidney Care” on Saturday, 12th December 2020, from 04:00 to 04:40 PM (GMT +2).


  • Azza El-Shamaa, Professor of Nephrology at TBRI, Egypt

Webinar Schedule:

  • 04:00 – 04:20 PM
    Enhanced Recovery After Renal Transplantation
    Presented by Ahmad Halawa, Assistant Professor & Consultant Transplant Surgeon at the University of Liverpool, England, and Sheffield Teaching Hospital, Director of Postgraduate Education in Transplantation.

  • 04:20 – 04:40 PM
    The Role of Erythropoietin in Anemic CKD in Different Stages
    Presented by Sameh Abou Zeid, Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine and Nephrology at TBRI, Egypt.

Each presentation will include a 5-minute discussion period. This webinar will explore the latest advancements and best practices in kidney care, focusing on recovery strategies and the role of erythropoietin in managing anemia in chronic kidney disease.

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