TBRI 2020 Virtual Annual Conference: Webinar 4 on New Trends in Parasitology, Environmental Research, and Malacology

TBRI 2020 will present the fourth webinar of its Virtual Annual Conference, titled “New Trends in Parasitology, Environmental Research & Malacology,” on Friday, 11th December 2020, from 03:00 to 04:20 PM (GMT +2).


  • Ibrahim Rabie, Professor of Parasitology at TBRI, Egypt
  • Fathy Abdel-Ghafar, Professor of Parasitology at the Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Egypt

Webinar Schedule:

  • 03:00 – 03:20 PM
    New Trends in Management of Toxoplasmosis
    Presented by Rabab Zalat, Professor of Parasitology at TBRI, Egypt.

  • 03:20 – 03:40 PM
    The Dark Side of Light: Possible Effects of Light Pollution on Biological Aspects in Pond Snail Lymnaea stagnalis
    Presented by Ahmed Hussein, Lecturer of Medical Malacology at TBRI, Egypt.

  • 03:40 – 04:00 PM
    Schistosomiasis in Wuhan: A. Liver Fibrosis B. Population Genetics Mechanism of Molluscicidal
    Presented by Qin Ping Zhao, Professor of Parasitology at the School of Medicine, Wuhan University, China.

  • 04:00 – 04:20 PM
    Environmental Parasitology: How Environmental Factors Modulate Parasite Ecology
    Presented by Bernd Sures, Professor of Aquatic Ecology at the Faculty of Biology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany.

Each presentation will include a 5-minute discussion period. This webinar will explore the latest developments in parasitology, environmental research, and malacology, offering new insights into these important fields.

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