TBRI 2020 Virtual Annual Conference: Webinar 11 on Recent Research in Molecular Biology & Tissue Engineering

The TBRI 2020 Virtual Annual Conference will continue with its eleventh webinar titled “Recent Research in Molecular Biology & Tissue Engineering” on Saturday, 12th December 2020. The session will start at 08:45 PM (GMT +2).


  • Mohamed Ali Saber, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at TBRI, Egypt

Webinar Schedule:

  • 08:45 – 09:05 PM
    What Did We Find Out After 15 Years of Studying the Genetics and Epigenetics of Liver Pathology in Egyptians
    Presented by Ahmed Ehab, Professor of Genetics and Molecular Medicine at Faculty of Medicine, New Giza University, Egypt, and Visiting Professor at Heidelberg University, Germany.

  • 09:05 – 09:25 PM
    Genetics of Liver Diseases: From Pathogenesis to Clinical Practice
    Presented by Nihal El-Asal, Professor of Clinical Chemistry at TBRI, Egypt, and Ehab El-Dabaa Mohamed Sabry, Professor of Biochemistry at TBRI, Egypt. This presentation includes a collective study from the Clinical Chemistry Department at TBRI.

  • 09:25 – 09:45 PM
    Recombinant Pharmaceutical Proteins R&D at TBRI
    Presented by Ehab El-Dabaa Mohamed Sabry, Professor of Biochemistry at TBRI, Egypt.

  • 09:45 – 10:05 PM
    TBRI Research Overview and Updates in Cellular Therapies for Liver Diseases
    Presented by Shimaa Attia, Lecturer of Immunology at TBRI, Egypt.

  • 10:05 – 10:25 PM
    Genome Editing for the Therapy of HCV Infection
    Presented by Reham Dawood, Assistant Professor of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology at National Research Center, Egypt.

  • 10:25 – 10:45 PM
    Scope of Systematic Literature Review in Medical Science and Daily Practice
    Presented by Marwa Abdel Ghani Mohamed, Assistant Lecturer of Public Health at TBRI, Egypt.

Each presentation will include a 5-minute discussion period. This webinar will focus on the latest advancements in molecular biology and tissue engineering, highlighting key research findings and innovative approaches in the field.

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