TBRI 2020 Virtual Annual Conference: Webinar 10 on Liver Diseases in Special Situations


The TBRI 2020 Virtual Annual Conference will feature its tenth webinar titled “Liver Diseases in Special Situations” on Saturday, 12th December 2020, from 06:50 to 08:10 PM (GMT +2).


  • Wael Safwat, Professor of Hepatogastroenterology at TBRI, Egypt
  • Ahmed Abdel Samie, Assistant Professor of Radiodiagnosis at TBRI, Egypt

Webinar Schedule:

  • 06:50 – 07:10 PM
    HBV Reactivation: Management and Prevention
    Presented by Hesham El Khayat, Professor of Hepatogastroenterology at TBRI, Egypt.

  • 07:10 – 07:30 PM
    Chronic Liver Diseases in Pregnancy
    Presented by Mohamed El Kabany, Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine/Hepatology at David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA, USA.

  • 07:30 – 07:50 PM
    New Insights into the Role of Gut Microbiota Adjustment in NAFLD/NASH and Its Impact on Disease Progression
    Presented by Maha Badr, Lecturer of Pharmacology at TBRI, Egypt.

  • 07:50 – 08:10 PM
    Transarterial Therapies of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
    Presented by Mohamed Hosni, Lecturer of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology at TBRI, Egypt.

Each presentation will include a 5-minute discussion period. This webinar will focus on advanced topics in liver diseases, exploring management strategies, special considerations, and emerging insights in the field.

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