Central Laboratory

  • Vision
  • Mission
  • Staff Members
  • Structure
  • Research Projects
  • Services
  • Contact

To provide technical support and consultancy needed for qualified research activities in pursuit of innovation and leadership in research laboratory medicine.


Central lab of TBRI aims to be a well recognized medical research center of excellence on both regional and African levels, and to provide technical support and consultancy needed for qualified research activities in pursuit of innovation and leadership in research laboratory medicine.

Also, to optimize and upgrade the technical performance and experience of all researchers within TBRI as well as from other institutes and universities.

Head: Prof. Samy Mohamed Nasr
Assistant Professor of Biochemistry

Prof. Shimaa Attia Atta
Assistant Professor of Immunology

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Prof. Hend Okasha Ahmed
Assistant Professor of Biochemistry

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Dr. Safia Samir El Naggar 
Researcher  of Biochemistry

Dr. Ola Badr Metwally
Lecturer of Hematology
Dr. Rady El Araby
Ph.D of Molecular Biology Molecular biologist
Dr. Fawzy Roshdy
Ph.D of Molecular Biology Molecular biologist
Central Laboratory Structure
• Cell Culture & Microscopy Laboratory.
• Flow Cytometry & Serology Laboratory.
• Molecular Laboratory.

Main Equipment and Devices :


1- Flow cytometry
2- ELISA Set
     Reader + Washer + Microplate shakerincubator
3- Double Beam Spectrophotometer
     Reads wavelength ranges from 190 to 900nm.
     Gives better resolution and sensitivity.


1- CO2 Incubator
2- Laminar air flow class II A2
3- Zeiss trinocular inverted microscope
4- Zeiss trinocular light microscope
5- Ambient Incubator
6- Zeiss digital camera and screen for microscopes allowing
      – Highlighting certain focus in a higher magnification.
      – Writing a text.
      – Measuring distances (in microns).
      – Counting certain objects.
      – Marking certain object (by arrow or X).
7- Liquid nitrogen container


1- Nano-drop spectrophotometer:

Microplate spectrophotometer
(6- to 384- well plate reading capability)
for low volume nucleic acid quantification.

2- PCR Cabinet

3- Laminar Flow Class II

4- Automated DNA/RNA extractor:

– Using magnetic beads technology.
– Superior purity and yields compared to other techniques.
– Reduce processing duration.
– Purify protein and nucleic acid from FFPE tissue, whole blood, cells, or fresh and frozen tissues.

5- Roche Real Time PCR:

– LightCycler® 480 Instrument is a plate-based real-time PCR device that supports mono-or multicolor  applications, as well as multiplex protocols.
– For qualitative and quantitative detection of nucleic acids.
– Wide range of probe formats e.g. FRET, florescent dyes e.g. SYBR Green I and detection formats e.g.high resolution melting (HRM); a new post-PCR analysis method used to identify variations in nucleic acid sequences.

6- Biometra Gradient Thermal cycler:

– With block material made of silver coated with gold, giving best accuracy with superior sample block temperature control.
– Linear Gradient Tool: For easy gradient programming using simultaneously different primer annealing temperatures.

7- Capillary electrophoresis:

– Rapid completely automated analysis of up to 96 samples.
– Reduce time consumed.
– Accurate analysis of low concentration nucleic acids with 3–5 bp resolution.
– It has been used for applications such as:
   bacterial genotyping, PCR fragment analysis, pre-sequencing testing.

8- Electrophoresis Unit that includes:

– Power supply.
– Compact multi-wide horizontal gel electrophoresis apparatus.
– Vertical electrophoresis system.

9- U.V gel transilluminator

10- BioRad Gel Documentation System:

– Easily visualization, documentation and analysis of nucleic acid and protein gels, blots and microarray.
– Adjustment of brightness, contrast and image filtering.
– Analysis of banding patterns and fingerprinting.

11- Water purification system:

A direct system that produces ultrapure (Type I)
water (16 L/h ; 320 L/ Day) for critical laboratory indications as cell culture, HPLC,
immunocytochemistry and in all steps of molecular biology applications including DNA sequencing.

12- High Speed Cooling Centrifuge: (-8°C, 15,000 rpm)

13- Homogenizer:

MillMix 20 uses advanced technology (DC brushless motor) for efficient disintegration, homogenization and mixing of small amounts of sample easily in seconds.

14- Bench top centrifuge:

15- pH meter:

16- Balance: highly sensitive 4 digits.

17- Other Auxiliary Devices:
       –  Vortex
       –  Balance
       – Hot plat magnetic stirrer

18- Efficient cooling system

Previous Contributions and Research Projects

  1. Atheroscelorosis risk in patient with CKD :rol of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte and systemic inflammation to detect CD4,CD28 T cell by flowcytometry (with Nephrology Department in TBRI).
  2. Autologous bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell transplantation in patients with liver cirrohosis (with Haematology Department in TBRI).
  3. In vitro expansion and differentiation of haematopoietic stem cells into platelets (with Haematology Department in TBRI).
  4. Autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation sub- terminal liver disease (with Haematology Department in TBRI).
  5. Detection of microRNA 223, 19a in HCC patient with HCV follow up and treatment of HCC patients (with Clinical Chemistry Department in TBRI).
  6. Evolution of cytotoxicity (with Biochemistry Department in TBRI).
  7. ABO blood group genotyping and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in cohort of Egyptian patients (with Haematology Department in TBRI).
  8. In vitro Activity of Antibiotic Combinations against Carbapenem Non-Susceptible Isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii and the Effects of their Antibiotic Resistance Genes (with Microbiology Department).
  9. Detection of carbapenemase producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) in infected patients and colonized carriers (with Microbiology Department).
  10. Comparing biological activates of sulfadiazine complex derivative: synthesis and spectroscopic characters (with Biochemistry Department in TBRI).
  11. Metal complexes of multidentate ligands conta. Synthesis and spectroscopic investigation and biological activates (with Biochemistry Department in TBRI).
  12. PDE inhibitors – FP17 (with pharmacology department in TBRI)
  13. Long non coding RNA as a novel non-invasive diagnostic tool for HCV-induced hepatocellular carcinoma (with Haematology Department in TBRI).
  14. DNA Methylation and microRNA Crosstalk as epigenetic prognostic biomarker for HCV induced hepatocellular carcinoma (with Haematology Department in TBRI).
  15. Expression of anti schistosoma mansoni secretory hybridoma in chemically defined serum free culture as a reliable source of monoclonal antibody (with Immunology Department in TBRI).
  16. Interferon beta (anticancer effect of interferon beta) (with Biochemistry Department in TBRI).
  17. Impact of short chain fatty acids (SCFA) production adjustment using gut micro biota alone or in combination with metformin on modulation of autophagy and in sulin resistance in non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases-induced rat.(with Immunology Department in TBRI).
  18. Pharmcodinamical syniram alon and in combination with acyto chrom p450 inhibitor. (with Immunology Department in TBRI).
  19. Effect of eugerol on the expression of genes involved in biofilm formation in staphelococcus ssp. (with microbiology Department in TBRI).
  20. Study of the stimulated immune response aginst infection by schistosoma in Egypt (with malacology Department in TBRI).
  21. Interaction between microRNA 122 AND TGFB1 signaling pathway as an epigenetic biomarker in HCV (central lab)
  22. Molecular genotyping of ABO Blood grouping a coort of egypian population (with Hematology Department in TBRI).
  23. Research blocking of glyrican gene in HepG2 cells to using RNA interference. (With Biochemistry Department in TBRI).
  24. Isolation and evaluation of syzygium aromaticum and olea europaea studying anticancer effect of different extracts. (With Biochemistry Department in TBRI).
  25. Investigation of potential impact of gossy rol on the anti tumer efficacy of ronatini b on experimental solid erlish carcinoma and some human liver / gastro intestinal cancer cell lines. (with Pharmacology Department in TBRI).
  26. Quntitaive analysis of some genes expressions (With Biochemistry Department in TBRI).

Running Research Projects

  1. Instinal multiparasitism in Egyptians : maping an explerd pattern. (with Paracytology Department in TBRI).
  2. Effect of 5-AZa on the tumer suppressor gene in hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2. (Azhar university).
  3. Epigenetic regulation of circulating cancer stem cells in HCV-induced hepatocellular carcinoma (with Immunology Department in TBRI) Antibiotic Resistance Genes (in collaboration with Microbiology Department, TBRI).

Steps to reach facilities of central laboratory TBRI

  1.  Notification of the central laboratory team member with the point of research.
  2.  Specification of all equipment needed.
  3.  Checking availability of chemicals required (The laboratory only offers basic chemicals). 
  4.  Reservation of suitable working date.
  5.  Filling request form application.
  6. Paying the required fee.

(TBRI) Bench Fees and lab Services of Central Lab  


Price for Egyptian E.P

Price for Foreigners$

DNA Extraction/ sample (min. 10)



RNA extraction / sample (min. 10)



Reverse transcription/sample (min. 10)



Conventional PCR/Run



Multiplex PCR/Run



Real time PCR /Run



Gel electrophoresis/Run



Gel purification / slicing/ Run



PCR Purification /Run



Flow cytometer /sample



ElISA reading / plate 96



Nano drop / sample



Gel Documentation analysis

100 / Gel , (20/sample )


Inverted microscope /sample (min. 10)



Light microscope / sample



Cell culture unit (Bench fee/ week)





Liquid nitrogen

50/ Rack (2 months Max)


-80 c freezer per year

120 / Rack


Training course for tissue culture (hands on)



Training course for real time PCR (hands on)



Note: All required and supplementary items and disposable plastics are not involved.

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