Public health Department

  • Vision
  • Mission
  • Head of the Department
  • Staff Members
  • Research field
  • Achievements
  • Techniques
  • Structure
  • Training
  • Services Scope
  • Medical services
  • Projects
  • Publications
Our vision is optimizing the health and the wellbeing of both the service seekers and healthcare providers at TBRI as well as leveraging the health status of the catchment community.

Research: our tools for that are through conducting research studies to unveil more about the epidemiological aspect of disease occurrence in the Egyptian population aiming at prevention and control of different health problems in Egypt. We specifically conduct researches to promote healthy and safe behaviors towards viral hepatitis C prevention, increase compliance to safe treatment and mitigation of environmental impact on health and establishment of modern tools in studying the epidemiology of infectious diseases.

Surveillance: of chronic diseases to explore determinants, morbidity and mortality which act as guidance in formulation of national strategies to combat infectious diseases.

Education: through providing health education to the service seekers at TBRI about nature of different diseases, nutritional education and proper methods for protecting themselves from different communicable and non-communicable diseases.

Training: teaching and facilitating the capacity building of young researchers and trainers / trainees in fields of public health.

Prof. Hanan Ali Sayed
Email: [email protected]


Former Heads :

Staff Members :

 Research related to studying the epidemiology of some neglected parasitic diseases (e.g): schistosomiasis and fascioliasis/Epidemiological trends in Viral Hepatitis and chronic liver and renal diseases/Health promotion and education/ Quality control/Occupational safety/Social medicine/Information systems and medical records/Clinical nutrition.

  • Publication of more than fifty researches in international and national journals
  • Participation in THEBERA project funded by European Commission (2010-2014)
  • Participation in 3 internally funded projects (2012-2016).
  • Participation in 6 internationally funded projects and 5 internally funded (1988-2016)
  • Supervision of health education unit, field research unit in Gezerit Mohamed, quality control unit, and ex-medical records unit of the hospital, and heading of occupational health and safety committee.
  • Preparing and acquiring degrees of masters and Doctorate degree of Public Health (19 masters and 11 doctorates).

Important Lectures in the Field of Public Health :

  • Breaking bad news using patient centered communication approach, Dubai 2012.
  • Challenges on eradication of schistosomiasis in Egypt, held in National tropical institute, on the day of Egypt free of schistosomiasis 2008.
  • Updates in epidemiology/ control of schistosomiasis in Egypt held in Palastine hotel Alexandia, June 2011, through the annual conference of Egyptian society of tropical, infectious and parasitic diseases.
  • Poster presentation for center of excellence in epidemiology Kenya October 2010.
  • Quality assurance in research projects: ISO perspective, Meknes, Morroco, November 2010.
  • Kick off meeting, FP7 THEBERA, WP2 analysis of national state of the art of liver disease in Egypt, Nov. 2010.
 PHD uses field and hospital studies concerning epidemiological, recent statistical quantitative and qualitative methods in research conduct.PHD also uses quality assurance, health education and information technology techniques for research in TBRI hospital and laboratories.

The department is well equipped with all the facilities needed for field research studies, one portable ultrasonography, 3 microscopes, refrigerator, deep freezer and 4 desktop computers.

Three rooms are available in the PHD, in addition to one outpatient room for health education activities and field unit in Gazeret Mohamed village (Warrak District) equipped with all facilities need for field research work.

Conducting training courses on the following subjects:

1. Research methodology.
2. Qualitative research in health problems.
3. Epidemiology of schistosomiasis, fascioliasis, viral hepatitis and emerging infectious diseases.
4. Establishment, monitoring and evaluation of disease control programs.
5. Establishment of sound medical record system.
6. Establishment and use of modern tools in hospital management, quality assurance of medical services and nutritional services.

Activity of health education unit:

  • More than 20 T.V. programs about viral hepatitis, schistosomiasis, transmission, prevention and control and different public health aspects of diseases.
  • Nearly daily awareness sessions, consultation and flyers distribution to patients and their families in outpatient and inpatient sections.
  • Activity of health education in Gazeret Mohamed Unit.
  • Health promotion and needs assessment of population at household leveland of students of Gazeret Mohamed preparatory school for girls 2011-2012.
 See activity of health education unit.

A- Externally funded projects:

1-Participation in a project for identification of schistosomiasis problem in Abdel El Samed Village, Guiza governorate, funded by Academy of Scientific Research,1985-1988

2- Schistosomiasis research Project “SRP” funded by USAID, Ministry of Health, (PI) Dr. Maha Talaat, grant No 08-05-72 titled: Assessment of different Approaches for Schistosmiasis Detection- operations Research. From1993-1995.

3-Participation in the Project titled “Female Genital Schistosomiasis ” Funded by the Social Research Center ACU, 2000

4-Participation in THEBERA project. “Theodor Bilharz into the European Research Area “Project, an FP7 project under the ERA-WIDE”. Work package II: Research & state of art in liver researh P.I: Prof. Sanaa Botrous (2010-2014)

B- Internally funded Projects:

1-Pasrticipation in the internal Research Project in Theodor Bilharz Research Institute, Co-principal Investigator: Dr Howaida Hamed El Dusoki; I, Project title: Field study of premalignant and malignant lesion of urinary bladder

2-Participation in the internal Research Project in Theodor Biharz Research Institute, Funded by Academy of Scientific Research (PI) Assistant Prof. Dr. Hanan Ali Sayed, titled: “Study of prevalence and Risk Factors of Renal, Urinary Tract and Liver Diseases in a Rural Area in Egypt.2000 -2002

3-Participation in the internal research project in Theodor Bilharz Research institiute , Co-principal Investigator : Dr. Howaida Hamed El Dusoki, Project title: “Study of intestinal parasitic infections to evaluate their mode of transmission, specific chemotherapy and prevention. 2007-2009

4- Participation in the Scientific Monitoring Team of Theodor Bilharz Research Institute for “Egypt” Bilharzial control project. Phase III “African development fund (EGY) PSHH/89/01, in the Egyptian village of: Menufia, Gharbia and Kafr EL Shiehk Governorate, with (PI) Prof. Mahfouz Abdel Gawaad, 1995-1997

5-Participation in the internal research project in Theodor Bilharz research Institute. Founded by the Academy of Scientific Research Principal investigator (PI) Prof. Laila M. Kamel and (co. PI) Dr Hanan A. Sayed, Titled: Some Epidemiological Aspects for schistosomiasis problem as determinants for Control Strategy. From Feb. 1997-1999

6-Participation in the internal Research Project in Theodor Bilharz Research Institute,” Assessment of Mirazid in treatment of S. mansoni infections” sponsored by Egyptian Minstry of Health and population 2003.

Publications of Public Health Department (2019-2015):

1-Sadek A; Alawam H; Fahmy A; Wafy W; Kasem M; Abd El Hady A; Hammam O; Mahmoud S; Sadek A A; Abd El Hady A A; Diab T. November (2019): Effect of ozone/oxygen gas mixture on bilharzial hepatic fibrosis induced in infected mice. International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research (IJMSIR). 4(6): 122-139.

2-Azza M. Fahmy; Rabab S Zalat; Amany M Hegab; Wafaa A Wafy (2019): Alterations in Oxidative Stress Activities and Trace Elements Levels on Experimental Blastocytosis. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 8(6):3041-3048.

3-El Batrawi M; Gaber M; Mekheimar S; Alsirafy S (2019): Pattern of referral to a consultation-liaison psychiatry service in an Egyptian cancer center . Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry. 40:123–126.

4-Mona El Lawindi; Abu Zina, Hanaa; Zayed Moushira; El Ayat Afaf; Sayed Hanan; El Qareh Noha (2018): Development of a Customizable Computer Based Clinical Information System for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients at a Governmental Hospital, Egypt. The 4th International Conference of the Public Health and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University IPCC, 8-9 October”Health System Preparedness the Upcoming Public Health Challenge”

5-Afaf El Ayyat; Hanan Ali Sayed; Ahmed Hazem Helmy; Mohamed Emad Esmat (2018): Improvement of surgery department performance after implementing hospital quality standards’ policies: two decades experience. The Egyptian Journal of Surgery. 37(3):405–411. ISSN (print): 1110-1121. ISSN (Online): 1687-7624.

6- Mekheimar S. (2016): Violence against women and the health seeking behavior, TBRI.

7- Rehab A. Ahmed; Arwa M.H. EL-Shafie; Omar A. Abou EL-Ata; Douaa A. EL-Derwi; Howaida A H. EL-Dusoki (2016): Seroprevalence and Knowledge Assessment of Hepatitis C Disease among Household (HH) Contacts of Hepatitis C Patients. Med. J. Cairo Univ.,84(1).

8-Afaf H.A. Elayyat and Ahmed Sadek (2016): Hospital utilization pattern in a hepatogastroenterology department of a research institute hospital, from 2004 to 2013. J Egypt. Public Health Assoc. 91(2):59–64. ISSN: 0013-2446.

9- Rehab A. Ahmed; Arwa M.H. EL-Shafie; Omar A. Abou EL-Ata; Douaa A. EL-Derwi; Howaida A H. EL-Dusoki and Noha H. Atta (2015): Exploring Intrafamilial Transmission Risk Factors of Hepatitis C Virus: An Egyptian Insight. Med. J. Cairo Univ., 83(2): 313-323.

10- Mekheimar S. (2015): Health Promotion Concept, Challenges “Second International Conf. Kasr El-Eini public health department.