Nephology Department

  • Vision
  • Mission
  • Head of the Department
  • Staff Members
  • Research field
  • Achievements
  • Techniques
  • Structure
  • Training
  • Services Scope
  • Medical services
  • Projects
  • Publications
Our vision is to prevent chronic kidney disease and control its complications. Improve renal replacement therapies and ensure its adequacy.
 Our mission is treatment of acute and chronic kidney diseases and what it requires from conservative and replacement therapy in the form of dialysis treatment or renal transplantation.

This mission also includes early kidney disease prevention plan through early detection and treatment of diseases that lead to kidney failure, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, inflammation, autoimmune diseases, renal stones and congenital diseases.

Prof. Sameh Helmy Abouzeid
Email: [email protected]



Former Heads

Staff Members

 Acute and chronic kidney disease, its causes and modern methods of treatment and early detection through innovative analysis, and their effectiveness in early and accurate diagnosis and treatment of complications arising from kidney disease in the form of anemia and osteodystrophy or arterial calcification as well as heart diseases resulting from these calcification disorders.
Establishment of intensive care unit within the nephrology department, it includes diagnostic ultrasound and Doppler, which facilitate the diagnosis, treatment and urgent resuscitation of patients who experience heart attacks inside the unit.
 Introduction of hemodiafilteration technique and training doctors and nurses as it is the new hope of dialysis methods.

Laboratory Structure and Facilities

  1.  A dormitory for males with 12 beds to treat renal diseases and 12 beds for females.
  2.  An isolation room to isolate patients who are being treated with immunosuppressants.
  3.  Three dialysis units containing 30 advanced computerized hemodialysis machines.
  4.  One unit with 3 hemodialysis machines for patients with hepatitis B virus to isolate them from the rest of the patients.
  5.  Intensive care unit containing monitor, ultrasound and Doppler devices.
  6.  Meeting room for doctors to discuss clinical cases.
  7.  A room for medical examination of patients before and after dialysis.
  8.  A room to keep records for the planned computer network when activated in the Institute.
  9.  Nursing room with emergency locker containing requirements of emergency medications.
Training courses for doctors from outside the institute are held such as the Egyptian Society of Nephrology, which sent 35 young doctors for training on renal diseases in TBRI, in collaboration with the Universities of Mansoura and Zagazig.

Young doctors training on the new hemodiafilteration machine and dialysis training courses for new doctors and new graduates.

Scope of Services

  •  Examination and follow-up of patients with renal diseases in the inpatient department including diagnosis, treatment and follow up of treatment response.
  •  Consultations for other sections patients (urology – tropical – Surgery – Intensive Care).
  •  Follow-up patients of emergency department and the outpatient clinic with the necessary procedures.
  •  Performing about 1,500 hemodialysis sessions per month.
  •  Renal biopsy for patients when required for diagnosed.
  •  Insertion of internaljugular and femoral hemodialysis catheters for patients from inside and outside the Institute to be used for acute dialysis.
 Routine out and in patient services :

  1.  Daily examination of inpatients and follow-up.
  2.  Daily examination of dialysis patients and follow-up.
  3.  Daily follow up of outpatient.
  1. Survival and apoptotic factors, neutrophil apoptosis and neutrophil functions: Inter-relationship among CRF, ESRD and hemodialysis patients.
  2.  The Role of Bcl2 and Bak Genes in Chronic Kidney Diseases and Hemodialysis Patients.
  3.  Hepatorenal syndrome, the way for early and accurate diagnosis.
  4.  Atherosclerosis risk in patients with chronic kidney disease: role of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte and systemic inflammation.

Nariman Zahran, Ola Mahmoud, Manal Zahran, Azza Sayed, Manar Rafaat (2013). Role of GM-CSF in Normalizing the Effect of Uremic Toxins on Neutrophil Apoptosis and Function. Life Sci J; 10(12s):1006-1012]

Emad Abdallah,MD, Emam Waked, MD (2013). Incidence and clinical outcomes of renal amyloidosis ; a retrospective study. Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation ) 24 (5), 950.

Nariman Zahran, Azza Sayed, Iman William, Ola Mahmoud, Omar Sabry and Manar Raafat (2013). Neutrophil apoptosis : impact of granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor on cell survival and viability inchronic kidney disease and hemodialysis patients. Arch Med Sci : 9(6) : 984-989.

Nariman Zahran, Ola Mahmoud, Manal Zahran, Azza Sayed, Manar Rafaat (2013). Role of GM-CSF in normalizing the effect of uremic toxins on neotrophil apoptosis and function. Life Science Journal : 10 (12s).

E Abdallah, E Waked, B Al-Helal, R Asad, M Nabil, T Harba (2013). Novel troponin-like biomarkers of acute kidney injury. Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation 24 (6), 1111.

Nariman Zahran, Azza Sayed, Iman William, Ola Mahmoud, Omar Sabry, Manar Rafaat (2013). Neutrophil apoptosis: impact of granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor on cell survival and viability in chronic kidney disease and hemodialysis patients. Arch Med Sci; 9, 6: 984-989.

Magdy Mohamed said El-Shaarawy, Mona Hosny Abdel-Salam, Manar Abdel-Raouf Raafat, Mona Ezzat Madkour, Ahmed Ali Ibrahim, and Ahmed Talaat El-ganzoury (2013). Study Of Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 (Fgf23) and Anemia in Hemodialysis Patients and CKD Patients Stages 3 & 4. Life Sci J; 10(4):2875-2888.

Samah Saad El Dine, Manal El Said, Ehab El-Dabaa, Emad Abdel Raouf, Manar Raafat, Malak Nabil, Moataz Hassanien, Mohamed Saber, and Maisa Omer (2013). Occult Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Haemodialysis Egyptian Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C. Life Sci J; 10(3):237-245].

Manal Y. Tayel , Ashraf E. Elzawawy , Mohamed E. Sayed , Emam A. Waked , Saba M. El-Gendy and Samya H. Abdelrazek (2013).Role of interleukin-10 gene polymorphism and C1q antibodies in clinic pathological presentations and treatment response in lupus nephritis patients. African journal of Nephrology; 17: 94-103.

E Abdallah, B Al-Helal, E Waked, A Abdel-Khalik, M Nabil (2013). Prognostic values of carotid intema thickness and N terminal ProBrain Natriuretic Peptide with left ventricular mass and function in patients with chronic kidney disease. Nephrology dialysis and transplantation. 28, 457-458.

Dawlat Belall, Bahaa Zayed, Eglal Kenawy, Malak Nabil, Samya H. Elshishtawy (2014). Comparison between two dialysate calcium concentrations on parathormone level in hemodialysis patients with and without valvular calcification. Life science journal, 11(10).

Emad Abdallah, Samya H. Elshishtawy, Osama Mosbah (2014). Determination of hemodialysis adequacy by ionic dialysate: clincical application and limitation. International journal of current research vol. 6, issue 06, pp.7124- 7131.

Emad Abdallah, Samya H. Elshishtawy, Osama Mosbah, Mohammed Zeidan (2014). Comparison between the effect of intraoperative human albumen ad normal saline on early graft function in renal transplantation. International urology and nephrology 46 (11) 2221-2226.

Emam Waked, Emad Abdallah, Ashraf Abd El-Khalik, Malak Nabil and Faten El-Shanawani (2014). The Prognostic value of N-Terminal-ProBrain Natriuretic Peptide in the Diagnosis and to detect the Progression of Left Ventricular Mass and Function in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. Life Science Journal ; 11(8)51-59.

Emad Abdallah; Emam Waked; Malak Nabil and Omnya El-Bendary (2014). Cystatin C as a marker of GFR in comparison with serum creatinine and formulas depending on serum creatinine in adult Egyptian patients with chronic kidney disease. Journal of American Science; 10(6),162-169.

Ashraf Abd El Khalik , Manar AbdelRouf Raafat, Amna Ahmed Metwaly,Fatma Mohammed Nasr , Nevine Sherif Ali Khalik , Iris Nessim (2014). Cardiovascular calcification in chronic hemodialysis patients : contributors interplay. American Journal of life sciences; 2 (5) 251-259.

Manar Raafat, Malak Nabil, Sameth Abou Zeid and Azza S. Hassanein (2014). Anti C1q antibodies in lupus nephritis : Detection and Relationship with disease activity. Life Science Journal : 11 (12)

Shendy Mohammed Shendy, Mahmoud EL Ansary, Manar Raafat, Malak Nabil, Abdel Aziz Ali Saleem, Mohamed Darwesh EL Talkawy and Ayman Abdel Aziz (2014). Pegylated interferon alfa 2a and small dose ribavirin in the treatment of HCV genotype 4 in End-stage renal disease. The Egyptian Journal of Hospital medicine : 57, 450-459.

Ashraf Abd El-Khalik Barakat, Manar Abd El-Rouf Raafat Ameen, Amna Ahmed Metwaly, Fatma Mohammed Nasr, Nevine Sherif Ali Khalil, Iris Nessim (2014). Cardiovascular Calcification in Chronic Hemodialysis Patients: Contributors interplay. American Journal of Life Sciences; 2 (5): 251-259.

Manal Zahran, Fatma Mohammed Nasr, Amna Ahmed Metwaly, Noha El- Sheikh, Nevine Sherif Ali Khalil, Tarek Harba. (2015). The Role of Hemostatic Factors in Atherosclerosis in Patients with Chronic Renal Disease. Electronic physician; 7 (5): 1270-1276.

Sameh Abouzeid and Nevine Sherif (2015) Role of Alteration in Treg/Th17 Cells’ Balance in Nephropathic Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Electronic Physician; 7 (8): 1613-1618.

Samya El-shishtawy, Nevine Sherif, Emad Abdallh, Laila Kamel, Mohamed Shemis, Abdel Aziz Ali Saleem, Haitham Abdalla, Hesham Gamal el Din. (2015) Occult Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Hemodialysis Patients: Single center study. Electronic Physician; 7 (8): 1619-1625.

Emad Abdallah, Samya El-Shishtawy, Nevine Sherif and Mahmoud A. Abdelwahab. (2015).Diagnostic Performance of Urinary Osteoprotegrin as a Novel Biomarker for Early Detection of Lupus Nephritis Activity. Life Science Journal; 12 (1): 75-81.

Malak Nabil, Manar Raafat , Emam Waked, Afkar Badwy and Mohamed Salah (2015). Experimental rat model of diabetic nephropathy: Rage detection and effect of spironolactone Monotherapy. The Egyptian Journal of hospital medicine; 58 120-128.

Ashraf Abdel Khalik Barakat, Fatma Mohammed Nasr, Amna Metwaly, Manar Raafat (2015). Correlation between epicardial fat thickness and cardiovascular risk in hemodialysis patients. American Journal of Internal Medicine : 3 (3) 86-94.

Manar Rafaat, Mona Madkour, Amna Metwaly, Fatma Mohammed, Osama Mosbah, Noha EL Sheikh . Clinical significance of FGF- 23 in chronic kidney disease patients. Scholars Journal of Applied medical sciences (SJAMS) 3(2C):741-750

Malak Nabil, Manar Raafat, Emam Waked, Afkar Badawy and Mohamed Salah (2015). Experimental Rat Model of Diabetic Nephropathy: RAGE Detection and Effect of Spironolactone Monotherapy. EJHM.; 58(120-128).

Nadia Morcos, Emam Waked, Eman Saleh and Marwa Mohamed (2015). Biochemical markers and cardiovascular outcome in maintenance hemodialysis patients. Egyptian Jounal Of Pure and Applied Science; 53 (2) ,43-52.

Abdallah E., Mosbah O., and Elsheshtawy S., (2015). Assessment of the administration of LMWH for HD anticoagulation in comparison to standard UFH. British journal of medicine and medical research, 6(9): 867-874.

Raafat M., Madkour M., Metwally A., Mohamed F., Mosbah O., and Elshaikh N., (2015). Clinical significance of FGF – 23 in CKD patients. Scholars journal of applied medical sciences, 3(2C): 741-750.

Abdallah E., Mosbah O., and Elsheshtawy S., (2015). Safety and efficacy of LMWH (enoxaparin Sodiume) in comparison with standard UFH for HD anticoagulation. African journal of nephrology, 18(1):6-11.

Abdallah E., Mosbah O., Khalifa G., Metwaly A., and El-Bendary O., (2016). Assessment of the relationship between serum soluble Klotho and carotid intimaemedia thickness and left ventricular dysfunction in hemodialysis patients. Kidney Research and Clinical Practice, 35: 42-49.

Abouzeid S., and Mosbah O., (2016). Evaluation of different sodium bicarbonate regimens for the prevention of contrast medium-induced nephropathy. Electronic Physician, 8(2): 1973-1977.

El-Shishtawy S., Mosbah O., Sherif N., Metwaly A., Hanafy A., and Kamel L., (2016). Association between serum visfatin and carotid atherosclerosis in diabetic and non-diabetic patients on maintenance hemodialysis. Electronic Physician, 8(2): 1966-1972.

Abdallah E., Mosbah O., Khalifa G., Metwaly A., and El-Bendary O., (2016). Assessment of the relationship between serum soluble Klotho and carotid intimaemedia thickness and left ventricular dysfunction in hemodialysis patients. Published as a poster abstract in Nephrology, dialysis and transplantation, 31(51):1518, Kidney Research and Clinical Practice, 35: 42-49.

Abouzeid S., Mosbah O., and Hegazy M., (2016). Anabolic steroid and nutritional supplements effect on kidney. Journal of American Science, 12(5):42-45.

Abdallah E., Mosbah O., El-sheshtawy S., Khalifa G., Badr M., and Amin A., (2016). Evaluating the association between hyperglycemia and contrast induced acute kidney injury in patients with acute ST elevation MI undergoing PCI. SM journal of nephrology and therapeutics, 1(1): 1003-100.

Nour H, Zahran N, Abd Elhamid S, Zahran M, Raafat M and El Saeed A (2016). The role of BCL-2 and BAK genes in chronic kidney disease and haemodialysis patients. Journal of Glycomics and Metabolism 1(1): 8-24.

Sameh Abou Zeid, Nevine Sherif, and Noha Elsheikh (2016) Prolactin and Adequacy of Dialysis. Journal of American Science; 12 (9): 53-55.

Emad Abdallah, Osama Mosbah, Nevine Sherif, Noha El-Sheikh, Ahmed Ali, Ahmed Abdullah.(2016) Determination the Impact of Long Standing Poor Glycemic Control on the Occurance of Contrast Induced-AKI in Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus and STEMI Undergoing PCI. SM Journal of Nephrology and Therapeutics; 2 (1): 1005-1009.

Noha Elsheikh, Nevine Sherif, Sameh Abou Zeid, Mervat Eldamarawy, Ahmed Ali, Amal Ismail Sabry.(2016) The link between bone disease and cardiovascular complications in hemodialysis patients. Electronic Physician; 8 (6): 2483-2488.

Nariman Zahran, Omar Sabry, Manar Raafat (2017). Evaluating the effects of recombinant human- granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor on neutrophil expression of tumor protein 53 in chronic kidney disease and hemodialysis patients: A Pilot Study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research in the next volume (11) issue (7).

Emad Abdallah, Samya El-Shishtawy, Nevine Sherif, Ahmed Ali, Omnia El-Bendary (2017) The Relationship between Serum Paraoxonase Activity and Epicardial Adipose Tissue in Hemodialysis Patients. International Urology and Nephrology; 49 (2): 329-335.