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TBRI 2020 Virtual Annual Conference: Webinar 6 on Advances in Anesthesia and Surgical ICU

TBRI 2020 will present the sixth webinar of its Virtual Annual Conference, titled “Advances in Anesthesia and Surgical ICU,” on Friday, 11th December 2020, from 07:30 to 08:30 PM (GMT +2).


  • Ashraf Rady, Professor of Anesthesia at the Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt
  • Mohamed Zeidan, Professor of Anesthesia at TBRI, Egypt

Webinar Schedule:

  • 07:30 – 07:50 PM
    The Impact of COVID-19 on Current and Future Anesthesia Practice
    Presented by Mohamad Abdel Latif, Professor of Anesthesia and Surgical ICU at the Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt.

  • 07:50 – 08:10 PM
    Principles and Targets of Hemodynamic Therapy in the Intensive Care Unit
    Presented by Yasser Sakr, Professor of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care at Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany.

  • 08:10 – 08:30 PM
    Conversion of Donor Blood Group to Universal
    Presented by Ola Badr, Lecturer of Hematology at TBRI, Egypt.

Each presentation will be followed by a 5-minute discussion period. This webinar will explore the latest advancements and challenges in anesthesia and surgical ICU practices, focusing on current trends and future directions.

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