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Workshop announcement

The Urology Department-TBRI is announcing for the organization of a training workshop on Flexible Ureteroscopy & LASER Lithotripsy. The workshop will be held on the 30th of September, 2018 at the premises of the Urology Department, 3rd floor, Hospital Building.

The workshop will be given by Dr. Hazem Elmansy, an Associate Professor of Urology at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. Dr. Elmansy is an eminent name in the field of endo-urology and Laser treatments of the prostate & stones. He is one of the few urologists in the world who is able to perform the holmium laser enucleation surgery of the prostate (HoLEP), and the only one in Ontario. His research contributions were recognized and awarded at both the American and Canadian Urological Association annual conferences.

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