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Tissue Engineering and Cell-Based Regenerative Therapy
The center was established in the year 2009 under the supervision of Prof. Hanan el Baz (Professor of Immunology, TBRI) and it consists of 6 units:
1) Clinical Research Unit:
A clean lab prepared for clinical translation and applications of stem cell research. It consists of and 4 areas:
Area A (under the laminar flow): the most sterile area. It is used for isolation and culture of stem cells.
Area B (Working area):
- This area is for processing of samples.
- Benches are made of electro polished stainless steel.
- This area is equipped with:
- Clini MACS (Miltneyi Biotech, Germany): closed system used for clinical separation of different types of cells from bone marrow aspirate and leukapharesis.
- Sepax (Biosafe, Spain): closed system used for separation of mononuclear cell layer from blood samples.
- Co2 incubator (Thermo Scientific, USA).
- Cooling centrifuge (Eppendorf, Germany).
- Laminar flow (Telstar, Spain).
- Balance.
- Shaker.
Area C (Preparation area):
- Contain benches and storage units made of electro polished stainless steel.
- This area is equipped with:
- Ordinary microscope (Olympus, Japan).
- Inverted microscope (Olympus, Japan).
- Digital camera with adaptor for ordinary and inverted microscopes (Olympus, Japan).
- Refrigerator.
- Labtop.
Area D (Gowning area): contain step over bench, lockers, and unit for storage of sterilized gowns. They are all made of electro polished stainless steel.
Area E (hand sterilization area).
2) Experimental Research Unit:
Equipped with:
- Laminar flow (Telstar, Spain).
- Co2 incubator (Thermo Scientific, USA).
- Cooling centrifuge (Eppendorf, Germany).
- Ordinary microscope (Olympus, Japan).
- Inverted microscope (Olympus, Japan).
- Refrigerator.
3) Sample Preparation and Characterization Unit:
- For paper work and documentation.
- Characterization by Flowcytometry (Beckman Coulter) in the central lab of TBRI.
4) Molecular Immunology Unit:
For molecular characterization of stem cells.
Equipped with:
- Laminar flow (JSCB 1200SB, Korea).
- Real-time PCR (Applied Biosystem step one, USA).
- Thermal cycler (Bio-Rad, USA).
- High speed cooling centrifuge (Eppendorf, Germany).
- Spectrophotometer (ABBOTA, USA).
- Gel electrophoresis.
- UV transilluminator.
- Microwave.
- Laptop.
5) Cryopreservation Unit:
For storage of cells and tissues in liquid nitrogen (-200).
Equipped with:
- Liquid nitrogen tank: as a reservoir for liquid nitrogen.
- 2 Liquid nitrogen locators with racks (Thermo Scientific, USA): for storage of samples.
- Controlled-rate freezer (Thermo Scientific, USA).
– For storing sterile disposables.
A. External projects funded by STDF:
- The Generation of Cord Blood-Derived Unrestricted Somatic Stem Cells and Their Differentiation into Hepatocyte-like Cells Pave the Way for Liver Regeneration. PI: Prof. Zeinab Demerdash, (2010-2015), funded by the Science & Technology Development Fund (STDF1410, Basic and applied science).
B. Internal projects funded by TBRI:
- Establishment of Specific Operating Procedures (SOP’s) for Human Myoblast Culture. PI: Prof. Dr. Hanan El-Baz (2009-2013).
- Processing and Cryopreservation of Cord Blood: A preliminary Step Towards the Establishment of TBRI National Stem Cell Bank. PI: Prof. Dr. Zeinab Demerdash (2009-2014).
- Autologus Hematopoietic Stem Cells in The Treatment of End-Stage Liver Disease: A Pilot Clinical Trial conducted in TBRI. PI: Prof. Dr. Hanan El-Baz (2009-2011).
- Hepatogenic Differentiation Potentials of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells: An in-vitro Study. PI: Prof. Dr. Hanan El-Baz (2010 to 2016).
- Transplantation of Hepatogenic Differentiated Mesenchymal Stem Cells versus Adult Hepatocytes in Experimental Chronic Liver Insult Model: A Comparative Study. PI: Prof. Hanan El-Baz (2013- to date).
- Effect of repeated passaging and cell density on proliferation and differentiation potential of cord blood Mesenchymal stem cells. PI: Prof. Kesmat Maher (2014 to 2017).
- The differentiation potential of human cord blood- derived mesenchymal stem cells into functional hepatocyte-like cells on nanofibrous scaffold. PI: Prof. Zeinab Demerdash (2014- to date).
- Mesenchymal stem cells with or without targeted gold coated magnetic nanoparticles as a novel therapeutic tool in hepatocellular carcinoma murine model: A pilot study. P.I: prof. Wafaa A. Mansour (2014-to date).
Prof. Hanan el Baz
Professor of Immunology, TBRI
Email: Helbaz77@gmail.com