- Requirements to attend the course
- Clinical Surgical Division
- Clinical Medical Division
- Immunology & Therapeutic Evaluation
- Clinical Laboratory Research Division
- Biochemistry & Medicinal Chemistry
- Malacology & Environmental Research
- Training in Specialization Units
- Infection Control Training Programs
- Hospital Management
- Nursing training courses
- Information and Documentation Center
- Contact us
About us:
Welcome to our training and research consultancy unit of TBRI, one of the largest medical research institutions in Egypt that continues to be in the forefront of world-class innovative research centers in developing countries.
Tobe the forefront institution which provides training and scientific consultancy in the field of parasitic and infectious diseases on the national, regional and international levels.
In accordance with TBRI’s special consideration given to human resources development and their technical training as a basis for the technological progress in all developing countries, the Training and Research Consultancy Unit offers a wide range of scientific and technological training programs. Moreover the unit offers research consultations and the opportunity to use all TBRI’s advanced research equipment under supervision of our highly trained personnel.
Training courses arranged annually by the unit
Training courses offered by TBRI’s Clinical Divisions
Clinical Surgical Division
- Surgery Department
- Urosurgery Department
- Intensive Care Department
- Anaesthesia Department
Clinical Medical Division
- Hepato-Gastroentorolgy Department
- Nephrology Department
- Public Health Department
Training courses offered by TBRI’s Laboratory Divisions
Immunology & Therapeutic Evaluation Research Division
- Immunology Department
- Parasitology Department
- Pharmacology Department
Clinical Laboratory Research Division
- Clinical Chemistry Department
- Microbiology Department
- Electron Microscopy Department
- Pathology Department
- Haemetology Department
Biochemistry & Medicinal Chemistry Research Division
- Biochemistry Department
- Medicinal Chemistry Department
Medical Malacology & Environmental Research Division
- Medical Malacology Department
- Environmental Research Department
Training Programs in Specialization Units
Schistosome Biological Supply Center (SBSC)Research EthicsHospital ManagementInfection Control
(all the subheadings are active and link to the information concerning each department).
- Applicants who attend the programs should be holding a university degree or an equivalent degree pertaining to the training program applied for.
- Applications should be made no later than one week before the start of the session desired.
- Payment of subscription fees is to be done in advance by cash or check to the Training and Research Consultancy Unit of TBRI.
- Special training programs onsite can be arranged to meet the needs of the beneficiaries.
- Program’s date is arranged upon agreement with the Department in charge.
- Basic Laparoscopic Surgery Course
- Advanced Laparoscopic Upper GI Surgery
- Advanced Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery
- Advanced Laparoscopic Biliary Surgery
- Combined Basic & Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery Courses
- Basic surgical skills
- Irguianlhernie repair
- AiVFistalaearterio- venous fistulae
- Open Cholecystectony&CBD exploralin
- Splenectony “open”
- Thyroidectomy
- Whipplesoperston or prncnentic surgery
- Ventral hernia npair
- Conbinellaparosapic & open insaianlheame repair
- Combinelloparosapic & open cholecystectomy
Surgery Department ***
- Urodynamics Training Course
- Transrectal Ultrasound of the Genital Tract (TRUS)
- Lower Endoscopy including TUR surgery
- Ureteroscopy
- Percutaneous Nephrolithotripsy (PCNL)
- Open Surgery for Stone Disease
- Oncosurgery in Urology course
- Laparoscopy in Urology
Urosurgery Department ***
- Essentials of Critical Care Medicine
- Essentials of Mechanical Ventillation
- Essentials of Critical Care Medicine for Nurses
Intensive Care Department ***
- Airway Management Workshop
- Hemodynamic Monitoring Workshop
- Loco- Regional and Neuraxial anesthesia workshop
- Ultrasound guided Nerve and Vascular Access
- Ultrasound Guided Nerve blocks
Anaesthesia Department ***
- Diagnostic Upper Endoscopy Training Course
- Advanced Therapeutic Upper Endoscopy Training Course
- Diagnostic, Therapeuticand InterventionalLower Endoscopy (SigmoidoscopyColonoscopy andtherapeutic Colonoscopy)
- Endoscopic Retrograde CholangioPancreatography (ERCP) (Advanced Therapeutic Course)
- Ulltrasound Course
Hepato-Gastroentorolgy Department ***
- Basic radiological imaging ( X-rays, Sonar, Doppler and CT scan)
- Advanced radiological imaging( X-rays, Sonar, Doppler and CT scan)
- Basic intervention radiology
- Advanced intervention radiology
- Machines operator
Radiology Department ***
- Hemodialysis modalities and new trends and innovation in dialysis
- Different protocols in Renal Transplantation
Nephrology Department ***
- Scientific research Methods
Public Health Department ***
Immunology Department
1.Basics of Tissue Culture
2.Hands-on Working with Stem Cells
3.Development of Antigen Detection Kits
- Monoclonal Antibodies Production
- Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies
- Application of Monoclonal Antibodies in Antigen Detection
- Hands-on ELISA Technique
4.Detection of circulating epigenetics markers in liver diseases
5. Essentials of Biobanking
- Overview of Research Biobanking
- Quality Management and Biobank Process Improvement
- Biobank Facility Design and Safety
- Handling biospecimen, Data Systems and Records Management
Immunology Department ***
Parasitology Department
- Preparation and analysis of urine and stool samples
- Qualitative and Quantitative Methods for Detection of
- Application of Chromatography for Preparation and Purification of Different Parasitic Antigens
- Preparation of Different Life Cycle Stages from Parasites of Medical Importance and the Study of the Effect of Treatment
- Preparation of Antigens from Parasites of Medical Importance
- Modern Concepts for Protection of Parasites of Medical Importance
Parasitology Department ***
Pharmacology Department
In 2011, among 32 African institutions selected as ANDI Centres of Excellence in health innovation, TBRI represented by pharmacology laboratory; was assigned as the “ANDI Centre of Excellence on Anti-Trematodal R&D” by the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) of the African Network for Drugs and Diagnostics Innovation (ANDI).
Drug Evaluation and Discovery Unit (DEDO), a subsidiary of pharmacology laboratory, will help in support and development of the activities of the center. The excellencecentre is willing to collaborate with ANDI and with other African institutions with a focus on natural products, to complement research lines regarding the prevalent endemic diseases, and to increase our south-south collaboration to address specific health problems in the African continent. Moreover, it is looking for exchange visits between researchers with different capacities to help in building De Novo capacities, leverage existing ones through not only exchange of visits but also through training and execution of collaborative research projects.
The activities of the centre include the following training programes:
- In vitro testing of antischistosomal activity of drugs/compounds
- In vivo testing of antischistosomal activity of drugs/
- Determination of acute and chronic toxicity of drugs/
Pharmacology laboratory performs other training programmes:
- Isolation of hepatocytes
- Bioavailability of drugs/compounds (e.g Bioavailability of praziquantel (PZQ) &Paracetamol)
Pharmacology Department ***
- Theoretical Training on Quality and Competence of the Medical Laboratory
- Practical Course for Training
Clinical Chemistry Department ***
- Microbiological Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases
- Bacterial and Fungal Cultures on Automated Instruments
- Guidelines on microbiological specimen collection and
- Phenotypic and Genotypic detection of multidrug resistant
- Serological detection of infectious diseases and septicemia
Microbiology Department**
- Electron Microscope in the Visualizationof Nanoparticles
- ImmunoelectronLabeling in Researchand Diagnosis
- Electron Microscopy in Early Diagnosis of Disease
- Electron Microscopy and Parasitic Diseases
- Examination of viruses by electron microscope
Electron Microscopy Department ***
- Immunohistochemistry technique and assessment “Using immune-autostainer link DAKO48, light microscopes”
- Fluid cytology. “Cytology analysis of inflammatory and malignant cells and centrifuge og fluid by centrifugation machine”
- Techniques of Tissue Processing Course includestechniques of embedding, fixation, cutting and different stains for routine study.
- Techniques and Preparation of Frozen Sections by Leica machine.
- Cell Image Analysis of Tissue Specimens. “DNA analyser by image analyser”
- Fluorescent in-situ hybridization technique (FISH)
“Detection of gene mutation fluorescent in situ hyperdization, using hyperdizer DAKO, assessment by Olympus fluorescent microscope and cytovision analysis soft were”
Pathology Department**
- Basic Laboratory Hematology
- Principal Blood Bank Techniques
- Thrombosis and Hemostasis
- Hematopoietic Stem Cell (HSC)
- Extraction Methods for Nucleic Acids (DNA and RNA) from Biological
- DNA, RNA and protein electrophoresis. Hands On
- Applications of PCR and Quantitative RT-PCR for Diagnosis of Pathogens. Hands On
- Cloning and Expression of Recombinant Proteins. Hands On
- Determination of SNPs Associated with Different Genetic Diseases (il 28, il 4). Hands On
- Principles of tissue culture. Hands On
- Gene Expression. Hands On
- Nanomaterials for drug delivery. Hands On
- Bioinformatics. Hands On
- Protein purification. Hands On
Biochemistry Department ***
- Extraction of phytochemical compounds from natural resources (medicinal plants- marines-microbes).
- Fractionation of natural extracts by (n-hexane, Petroleum ether, Ethyl acetate, n-butanol).
- Phytochemical screening for natural extracts (Tests for Alkaloids, Saponins, Flavonoids, Phenolics, Steroids and Anthraquinones).
- Quantitative estimation of total phenolic, flavonoids and tannins.
- Estimation of antioxidant activity for extracts and pure compounds by different chemical methods.
- Separation, isolation and purification of phytochemical compounds by different chromatographic techniques (Column chromatography, Paper chromatography, Thin layer chromatography).
- Qualitative and quantitative estimation of phytochemicals by analytical high performance liquid chromatography with photodiode array/ultraviolet detector (Analytical UV/PDA-HPLC).
- Isolation and purification of phytochemicals by preparative high performance liquid chromatography with photodiode array/ultraviolet detector (Preparative UV/PDA-HPLC).
Medicinal Chemistry Department ***
- snails Identification by Using Different Methods
- Methods of Snails Collection from natural habitat, transportation to the lab and examination forcercarial shedding, identification of cercariae
- Chemical Methods
- Ecological Data
A- Chemical analysis for water sulphides, dissolved oxygen,etc
B- Physical parameters such as temp, ph, turbidity, conductivity, velocity of water.
C- Identification the flora and fauna. - Cercariometry using 2 methods
- Maintaining and Breeding snails.
- Snails Infection and examination for CercarialShedding.
- Mollsucicidal Activity of Compounds and Plant Extracts at Lab or at Snail Research Station
Medical Malacology Department ***
- Evaluation of Toxicity of Molluscicides
- Ecological Assessment of Irrigation Systems:
- Evaluating the Performance of Stations of Waste Water Treatment : candidates will learn the application
- Use of Nanotechnology for Treatment of Chemical and Biological Water Pollution
- Use of Nanotechnology for Treatmentof Chemical and Biological Water Pollution
Environmental Research Department ***
- Experimental Scistosomiasis : life cycle of schistosoma worm in experimental animals in the lab.
- Antigen preparation of various stages of schistosomes and other trematodes.
- Breeding and care of experimental animals (mice, hamsters).
Schistosome Biological Supply Center (SBSC) ***
- Infection Prevention and control principles
- Advanced infection prevention and control course
- Infection control in operating theatres
- Infection control in high risk areas: Intensive care units
- Infection control in high risk areas: Dialysis units
- Infection control in high risk areas: Laboratory Safety
- Infection control in high risk areas: Blood banking
- Hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) system
- Infection control in Endoscopy units
- Infection control in Laundry department in health care settings
- Sterilization protocols in health care settings
- Waste management in healthcare settings
- Hand hygiene: protocols, resources, compliance and auditing
- Isolation procedures in health care settings
- Antimicrobial stewardship, how to implement
- Hospital acquired infections
- Healthcare associated infection surveillance
- Infection rate and its Impact on Hospitals
- Endemic infections
- Artificial intelligence and outbreak detection in hospitals
- Hospital acquired infections data analysis
Infection Control Training Programs ***
- Basic skills of management science
- Basic hospital management
- Advanced hospital management
Hospital Management ***
- Operation
- periscopes
- Dialysis
Nursing training courses ***
Preparation for the International Computer Driving License (ICDL)
Duration: 120 hours
Preparation for the TOEFFL Examination
Duration: 70 hours
For more information please contact:
Prof.: Doaa Gamal Desouki
E.mail: doaagamal@gmail.com
E-mail: training@tbri.gov.eg
Mobile: (+2) 01283097372 Tel: (+2) 0235409670 Fax: (202) 35408125
Follow us on our official Facebook training page. https://www.facebook.com/Training.of.TBRI
Follow us on our official Facebook training page. https://www.facebook.com/Training.of.TBRI