ورشة العمل الأولى في إطار مبادرة معهد تيودور بلهارس للأبحاث للابتكار وريادة الأعمال بعنوان: “Validation of Technology” بتاريخ 14/7/2024 يحاضر فيها أ.د./ عمرو العوامري الأستاذ بكلية الهندسة ببنها ومدير حاضنة الأعمال بجامعة بنها

Dr. Amr Al-Awamry is a highly qualified and experienced professional with a diverse background in innovation management, entrepreneurship, embedded systems and IoT. He is a certified mentor by Mowgli, a certified Ideation Camp trainer from Intel and TIEC (Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center), and a certified Enterprise Design Thinking Practitioner by IBM. He has a long track record in providing training in innovation management and entrepreneurship. Dr. Amr has over 20 years of experience in research and development of embedded systems and IoT.
Dr. Amr is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Engineering in Benha University. He received his Ph.D degree from St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University, Russia in 2012, his M.Sc. from Communication department in Benha Faculty of Engineering Egypt in 2005 and the B.Sc. degree in Communication Engineering –Benha Faculty of Engineering, Egypt, in 1999. He is dedicated to continuous learning and professional development, and his knowledge and skills make him an ideal candidate for any position in the field of innovation management, entrepreneurship, embedded systems and IoT.

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