Electron Microscopy Summit & Workshop, 2019

Within the framework of making the year 2019 the year of education, and in the context of linking scientific research with the requirements of the society with the scientific development of junior scientists, the Electron Microscopy Lab at the Theodor Bilharz Research Institute (TBRI) organized a scientific event entitled “Electron Microscopy Summit and Workshop 2019” during the period 13-16 April at the Ramses Hilton Hotel, Cairo and TBRI. The summit was under the auspices of Prof. Wafaa Kandeel, President of TBRI and the presidency of Prof. Soheir Mansy, Professor of Pathology & Electron Microscopy, TBRI and was inaugurated by the second cultural attaché in the Senegal Embassy.

It is noteworthy that, this summit was the first of its kind in the field of electron microscopy that focused on the latest developments in the field of electron microscopy and its uses in research and diagnosis. It gave the chance for experiences exchange, to update and improve the electron microscopy application in the diagnosis of diseases, identification of solid objects, raw materials and its importance in the field of nanotechnology.

The event was attended by professors and specialists in the field of electron microscopy from USA, Poland, Cyprus, the Netherlands, Oman and Egyptian Universities and Institutes such as Ain Shams University, Cairo, Zagazig, Tanta, Menoufia, Mansoura, Assiut, Al Azhar, Qena, Suez, British University in Egypt, Zewail City, Ophthalmology Research Institute, Tebeen Metals Institute, Petroleum Research Institute as well as TBRI.

As a celebration of the chairmanship of the African Union by President Abdel Fattah El Sisi, Prof. Soheir Mansy has addressed an invitation through Prof. Wafaa Kandeel and the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research to host ten scientists, working in the field of pathological researches or cell studies from different African countries.

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