Archives Magazine

In This magazine, the publications of the research staff of our institute are presented as abstracts with all the needed details of the corresponding author to facilitate the connection and knowledge exchange between different departments of the institute. Also, the published papers in the first half of 2021 are classified according to their quartiles. This step was carried out to highlight the publication quality of TBRI according to the international standards, aiming at encouraging the researchers to publish in high ranked journals to improve the ranking of TBRI amongst other research centers and universities of Egypt.

I am so grateful to Prof. Eman El-Ahwany, the head of the Technical Office of TBRI who adopted the idea that was suggested by Dr. Abdel-Wanes Antar Abdel-Aziz, Medicinal Chemistry Lab, to produce this valuable magazine.

Prof. Wafaa Kandeel
President of Thoedor Bilharz Research Institute

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