TBRI Annual Conference 2022

TBRI-Cairo  1st – 3rd December 2022

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I have the honor to invite and welcome you to participate in the Annual Scientific Conference: TBRI 2022 which will be held from 1st – 3rd December 2022. The conference will take the form of a series of various sessions, poster presentations, and workshops under the title “Emerging Technology in Health and Environment” The conference program will attract the attention of a wide range of health professionals, biologists, and chemists, environmental scientists, and others. With the attendance of elite and eminent national and international speakers, the conference is set to cover the latest emerging technologies in the field of health and environment that will link research findings to clinical practice as the slogan of TBRI aimed. I hope TBRI 2022 will be a comprehensive event that will promote scientific innovation and more national and international scientific cooperation. I look forward to your valuable and interactive presence. Thank you

Prof. Hanan Khafagy

Registration link : https://araborganizers.org/conference/tbri-2022

[embeddoc url=”http://www.tbri.sci.eg/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/TBRI-2022-Flayer4-October.pdf”]

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